www.brandinphotography.com has been serving the Los Angeles area since 2003, Models headshots, Actors headshots, Business Professionals looking for Editorial, Corporate Headshots, Zed Cards, in the Los Angeles area.
When getting LA Headshots , actors should always research their headshot photographer, gathering quotes as well as a list of the services included. Headshot photographers LA are often very different from other cities, in that you can book actor headshots year round. This leads to a very saturated market in terms of how many choices you'll find when booking your headshots Los Angeles. It gets even more difficult to wade through the hundreds of photographers when you're looking for kids headshots since family portrait photographers start to pop up in your search. You'll want to make sure that you're not just hiring someone to take gorgeous color headshots of your child, but someone who will be taking "industry standard" images. In other words, "Pretty" doesn't equal "Professional"...which is a good rule of thumb for adult headshots as well.
If you're feeling overwhelmed and have questions, call anytime & we're always happy to help guide you through the process and avoid the dreaded multiple re-shoots. We get it right the first time & even if you go with a different photog, we're happy to at least give you great advice to help along the way.
Contact Brandin Photography to get further information on booking your Los Angeles headshots, business portraits, modeling portfolio or wedding photography.